You have the right to be free from discrimination based on your protected class status.

A protected class is a category by which people are qualified for special legal protection. Some of these classes include but are not limited to: race, physical or mental disability, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, military status, marital status, family status, veteran status, and more.

If you experience discrimination, there may be different options available to you based on the type of action you want to take. This page includes information about discrimination in various areas, and how to file complaints with appropriate authorities.

Oregon Justice Resource Center Civil Rights Project

OJRC’s Civil Rights Project, “examines, tracks, and litigates civil rights issues related to the criminal justice system. The CRP seeks to secure equal and fair treatment for individuals intersecting with the criminal legal system, and accountability and systemic reform through strategic litigation, public education, programming, and policy advocacy.”

Visit their website to contact Juan Chavez, Project Director and Attorney, or to submit an intake form.


ACLU of Oregon

The Oregon chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union works to defend and preserve civil liberties afforded by constitutional protections. While they receive a multitude of legal requests each year, they can only accept a small number of cases to litigate. Click the button below to learn about the types of cases they can potentially accept, and to access their online complaint form.